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Dictionary Suite
bird of prey any bird that feeds on other birds or animals, such as a hawk or vulture.
death's head moth a large European hawk moth that has markings on its back resembling a human skull.
eyas a hawk or falcon too young to leave the nest, or one taken from its nest to be trained for falconry.
harrier1 any of several related hawks that have narrow bodies and wings and prey on small animals and reptiles in open fields and marshes; marsh hawk. [1/2 definitions]
hawk1 to hunt in the manner of a hawk. [1/5 definitions]
hornworm the caterpillar of any of several hawk moths, which has a thornlike projection on the rear segment.
jess a short strap fastened around the leg of a falcon or hawk, to which a leash can be attached.
kestrel any of several related falcons, such as the sparrow hawk of North America. [1/2 definitions]
kite a bird like a hawk that has pointed wings and a forked tail. [1/2 definitions]
merlin a pigeon hawk. [1/2 definitions]
northern harrier a medium-sized gray or brown hawk common in marshes in North America and Eurasia; marsh hawk.
osprey a large, fish-catching hawk with a dark back and white underside; fish hawk.
Ra2 in Egyptian mythology, the supreme god and sun god, depicted with a head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk.
rough-legged hawk a type of large hawk with dark plumage and whitish feathers covering its legs.
sharp-shinned hawk a small North American hawk that has short wings and a long tail and that feeds mainly on birds and small animals.
sparrow hawk a small European hawk with short wings. [1/2 definitions]
tercel in falconry, a male hawk, esp. a peregrine or gyrfalcon.
tomato hornworm a large green caterpillar that feeds on plants of the nightshade family, esp. tomato and potato plants, and develops into the hawk moth.
war hawk one who advocates war, esp. any member of the twelfth U.S. Congress who favored war; hawk.