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childproof made or arranged so as to be free from potential damage by children or from hazardous misuse by them. [2 definitions]
goggles a special pair of glasses with a secure frame that one wears over one's eyes to protect them from harsh or dangerous things, such as dust, wind, sparks, or hazardous chemicals.
hazmat materials that are hazardous to human life or the environment, such as asbestos, radioactive materials, explosive materials, and poisons (often used as a modifier of a noun).
murder something very difficult or hazardous. [1/5 definitions]
nonhazardous combined form of hazardous.
perilous causing or involving great danger; risky; hazardous.
risky full of or involving risk; potentially dangerous; hazardous.
stunt man in film production, a skilled male performer who substitutes for an actor in hazardous or acrobatic sequences.
stunt woman in film production, a skilled female performer who substitutes for an actress in hazardous or acrobatic sequences.
ultrahazardous combined form of hazardous.