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bad not healthy; harmful. [1/5 definitions]
better healthy again; no longer sick or injured. [1/4 definitions]
bloom to be in a healthy, vigorous condition. [1/8 definitions]
blooming showing youth, vigor, and healthy color. [1/3 definitions]
blossom to grow in a strong, healthy way. [1/4 definitions]
bouncing full of life; healthy; vigorous.
buxom of a woman, having a full figure and healthy appearance. [1/2 definitions]
calcium a soft, silver-white substance that is one of the chemical elements. Calcium is found in many kinds of rocks. It is used by the body for building healthy bones and teeth. (symbol: Ca)
cancer a disease in which certain cells grow much faster than they should and kill healthy cells. Cancer can affect many different parts of the body.
checkup an examination of a person or thing to discover if there are any problems. Having a doctor look closely at one's body to make sure one is healthy is one kind of checkup. Having a mechanic look at a car to make sure it is running properly is another kind of checkup.
condition to make fit, healthy, or ready to use. [1/7 definitions]
crib death sudden infant death syndrome, the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep.
cure something that makes a sick person healthy or well. [1/2 definitions]
cytokine storm a severe immune reaction of the body in which cytokines, which normally help in the process of fighting infection, are released in overwhelming numbers and begin to attack healthy cells.
cytomegalovirus any of a group of herpesviruses typically causing mild symptoms or no symptoms in healthy individuals, but capable of causing potentially life-threatening symptoms, including pneumonia and brain inflammation, in newborns and immunocompromised individuals, abbreviated CMV.
developmental having the purpose of promoting healthy intellectual or emotional development in a child. [1/4 definitions]
dietitian a person who is trained to plan healthful meals for both ill and healthy people.
effete lacking healthy vigor or effectiveness; worn out. [1/2 definitions]
feel like oneself to be in a healthy frame of mind or physical condition; feel good.
feel oneself to be in a healthy frame of mind or physical condition; feel good.
fit1 strong and healthy. [1/3 definitions]