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agglomerate to gather into a heap or mass. [3/4 definitions]
bank1 a heap or mass of something, such as earth or clouds. [2/6 definitions]
heap to put or form in a heap; pile up (often followed by "up" or "on"). [1/5 definitions]
hill a small pile or heap. [1/2 definitions]
jackstraws (used with a sing. verb) a game in which straws or thin strips are tossed into a heap and each player picks up as many as possible without moving the rest.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused heap. [1/6 definitions]
kitchen midden a refuse heap of shells, bones, and the like marking the site of a prehistoric human settlement.
midden a refuse heap; dunghill. [1/2 definitions]
molehill a small heap or ridge of loose soil made by a burrowing mole.
mound a raised pile; heap. [2/3 definitions]
pile1 a number of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [1/6 definitions]
snowdrift a heap or bank of snow created by the wind.
stack a large conical or rectangular heap of hay, straw, or grain. [1/9 definitions]