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acoustic having to do with sound or hearing. [1/2 definitions]
arbitration the process of hearing an issue or dispute by an arbiter. [1/2 definitions]
audio- a prefix that means "sound" or "hearing."
audiogram a graph that shows the range and degree of hearing ability, or the production of such a graph.
audiology the science or study of hearing and disorders thereof.
audiometer an instrument that measures range and degree of hearing ability.
audition the act of hearing. [1/5 definitions]
auditory having to do with or referring to hearing or the sense of hearing.
aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
auricular of or relating to the ear or hearing. [1/3 definitions]
caveat in law, a formal request to suspend proceedings until the filer of the notice has had a hearing. [1/3 definitions]
clairaudience the alleged ability to perceive sounds not within hearing distance or not in the physical realm.
closed-captioned of a television program, having captions that can be seen only on a special receiver, usu. intended for those with hearing impairment.
court the assembly charged with hearing such cases. [1/9 definitions]
deaf partly or totally lacking the sense of hearing. [1/2 definitions]
deafening extremely loud, sometimes loud enough to cause hearing loss.
ear1 either of the two organs of the body used for hearing.
ear trumpet a horn-shaped tube formerly used as a hearing aid by those with impaired hearing.
echolocation the process by which animals such as bats locate objects by emitting sounds and hearing them echoed. [1/2 definitions]
eloquent using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
fenestration an opening in a structure, esp. a surgical opening made in the ear labyrinth to restore hearing. [1/2 definitions]