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astrolabe an instrument used by the ancient Greeks and medieval Arabs to determine the position of heavenly bodies, later replaced by the sextant.
astrology the study of the positions of the heavenly bodies in relation to each other with the aim of predicting their influence on human affairs.
astrophysics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics that deals with the physical and chemical properties of heavenly bodies and interstellar space.
celestial a heavenly inhabitant; divine being. [1/6 definitions]
cherub a heavenly being, esp. one of the second order of angels, usu. represented as a winged child with a chubby face and rosy cheeks. [1/2 definitions]
comet a heavenly body orbiting the sun and having a nucleus surrounded by a nebulous sheath that may form an elongated tail when the body comes close to the sun.
corona in meteorology, a ring or series of concentric rings seen around a heavenly body, caused by diffraction due to fine mist or dust in the atmosphere. (See aureole.) [1/5 definitions]
crater a similar depression in the surface of the earth or other heavenly bodies caused by the impact of falling meteorites or the explosion of a mine or bomb. [1/3 definitions]
earthly pertaining to the earth as opposed to spiritual or heavenly realms; worldly. [1/2 definitions]
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth. [1/3 definitions]
empyrean the heavenly realm of pure fire or light, according to the ancients. [1/3 definitions]
limb2 an edge or border that differs in appearance or structure from the surface or object it borders, such as the visible edge of a heavenly body.
music of the spheres music that early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, thought was produced by the movements of the heavenly bodies, but which was inaudible on earth.
nadir the point on a heavenly sphere directly below a specified position on the earth's surface and at the other end of the diameter drawn from the zenith. [1/2 definitions]
Ptolemaic system the cosmographic theory, systematized by the Hellenistic astronomer Ptolemy, according to which all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth, which is fixed at the center of the universe.
quasar a heavenly object that is similar to a star. Quasars are far away from the earth and send out powerful radio waves.
ride of a heavenly body, to seem to float. [1/16 definitions]
satellite a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body. [2/3 definitions]
sphere a heavenly body, such as a planet or star. [1/6 definitions]
spherical of or concerning heavenly bodies, esp. as considered to influence human nature and events. [1/3 definitions]
star any of a vast number of heavenly bodies that give out great heat and light and can be visible from earth as points of light in the night sky. [1/8 definitions]