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alligator flag any of a family of large, broad-leafed, tropical, aquatic plants that usually grow up to six feet tall and have heavy blooms of delicate blue and purple flowers.
anchor a heavy object that is attached to and dropped from a boat or ship to keep it from moving. [1/2 definitions]
anvil a heavy metal block with a flat top on which heated metal objects are hammered into shapes.
armyworm any of various caterpillars that travel about in great numbers, usu. inflicting heavy damage on crops and grass.
arroyo a steep ditch carved in a plain or desert by the force of running water. Arroyos are usually dry except after a heavy rainfall.
artillery large weapons used in land battles, such as cannons or rockets. Artillery is too heavy for a person to carry and is sometimes mounted on wheels. [1/2 definitions]
atlas (cap.) any person who carries a heavy burden. [1/5 definitions]
ax a heavy cutting tool with a blade mounted at the end of a long handle, used esp. for chopping wood. [1/4 definitions]
B-1 a heavy U.S. jet bomber built for the 1980s.
B-29 a heavy U.S. bomber used late in World War II; Superfortress.
B-52 a heavy U.S. bomber with eight jet engines.
badger the heavy black and white fur of such a mammal. [1/3 definitions]
balk a heavy beam or timber used in building construction. [1/7 definitions]
ball and chain a heavy ball attached by a chain to a prisoner's ankle to prevent escape.
ballast heavy material placed in a boat or ship to make it more stable. [2 definitions]
ballista an ancient military machine resembling a large crossbow, used to hurl stones and other heavy projectiles.
barong a heavy, broad-bladed knife or cleaver that is used by the Moros of the Philippines.
barracks bag a large cylindrical bag of heavy cloth, usu. with a drawstring, used to contain a soldier's personal belongings; duffel bag.
baryon in physics, a heavy subatomic particle of half-integral spin, such as a proton, neutron, or hyperon.
basalt a dark, heavy rock that is created by lava flowing from volcanoes.
bat1 a heavy stick that you use to hit the ball in baseball, softball, and other sports.