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beaver2 an armor plate attached to a helmet or breastplate that protects the face and neck.
casque armor for the head, esp. a conical, medieval helmet with a nose guard. [2 definitions]
diving suit any of various outfits worn by underwater divers, esp. a heavy, sealed garment with a detachable helmet that supplies pumped air.
hard hat a protective helmet, made of metal or hard, impact-resistant plastic, worn by construction workers, miners, and the like.
morion1 an open, crested metal helmet of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, usu. having a flat or downturned brim.
nosepiece a protective shield for the nose, as on a helmet. [1/3 definitions]
plume a feather used as a decoration or as a mark of honor, as on a hat or helmet. [1/6 definitions]
sallet a light medieval helmet with a pointed, projecting neck guard and often a visor.
topee in India, a lightweight hat or helmet that is made of pith.
visor the upper front part of a helmet or other item worn on the head. Visors protect the eyes and face. [1/3 definitions]