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Augean of or suggesting Augeas, a king in Greek mythology, or his stables, which had not been cleaned for thirty years until Hercules changed the course of a river so that it swept through them. [1/2 definitions]
Corona Borealis a spring constellation in the northern sky, located between Hercules and Boötes; Northern Crown.
Herculean of or relating to Hercules. [1/2 definitions]
Hercules a hero in Greek and Roman mythology. Hercules was half man and half god and known for his amazing strength.
hydra (usu. cap.) in Greek mythology, the serpent with nine heads, of which one was immortal, slain by Hercules. [1/4 definitions]
Polyphemos in certain Greek myths, the Argonaut who assisted Hercules in finding a lost expedition member. [1/2 definitions]