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absolute monarchy an authoritarian governing system in which a hereditary ruler holds complete power until death.
allele one of several forms of a gene responsible for hereditary variations, usu. produced by mutation.
baron a member of the hereditary nobility. In Great Britain, a baron is a nobleman of the lowest rank; peer. [1/2 definitions]
baronet a member of the hereditary nobility ranking below a baron and above a knight.
caste one of the four hereditary classes into which Hindu society is divided. [1/4 definitions]
chromosome one of the tiny, threadlike, DNA-containing bodies found in the cell nuclei of all plants and animals, responsible for transmitting hereditary characteristics.
clan among the Scottish Highlanders, a traditional basis of social organization, composed of a group of families claiming a common hereditary ancestor. [1/3 definitions]
congenital existing from birth, but usu. not hereditary. [1/2 definitions]
DNA abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid; any of several acids occurring mainly in cellular nuclei and involved in the transmission of hereditary traits and the formation of proteins..
dynast a ruler, esp. a hereditary one.
gene a section of a chromosome that determines the structure of a single protein or part of one, thereby influencing a particular hereditary characteristic, such as eye color, or a particular biochemical reaction.
genealogy a chart or record showing the ancestors and lines of hereditary descent of a person or group; family tree. [1/2 definitions]
gene pool the total of all the hereditary characteristics on which a single species draws.
legitimist one who supports legitimate authority, esp. that of a claim to a throne based on hereditary right.
microevolution the slight hereditary alteration of an organism, as by new combinations of genes, that precedes a small degree of change in a particular form of life.
monarch a sole, often hereditary ruler such as a king, queen, or emperor. [1/2 definitions]
noble of, concerning, or belonging to a class of society that bears hereditary titles of rank or status; aristocratic. [1/4 definitions]
nonhereditary combined form of hereditary.
-on1 basic hereditary element. [1/3 definitions]
plasmagene a cytoplasmic structure or substance that is thought to carry hereditary characteristics and function in a manner similar to, but independent of, chromosomal genes.
plasmid a DNA-containing, self-reproducing element in the cytoplasm of some bacteria which exists outside the chromosome, used in recombinant DNA technology because it can alter a hereditary characteristic when introduced into another bacterium.