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Dictionary Suite
Achilles the hero of The Iliad, who is killed by an arrow in his heel, his only vulnerable spot.
Aeneas the Trojan hero of the Aeneid, who survives the fall of Troy, wanders for seven years, and becomes the founder of Rome.
Ahab the tragic hero of Herman Melville's nineteenth-century novel Moby Dick, who is ruled by an obsession to kill the white whale of the title. [1/2 definitions]
antagonist a character who works against the hero of a story. [1/2 definitions]
Beowulf the title character and hero of an anonymous, alliterative Old English epic poem.
epic having to do with a long poem that tells the story of a hero or heroine. [1/3 definitions]
Hercules a hero in Greek and Roman mythology. Hercules was half man and half god and known for his amazing strength.
heroic of or having to do with a hero or heroes. [3 definitions]
hero-worship to have or show hero worship for.
idol one who is loved and respected to a great degree; hero. [1/2 definitions]
Jason in Greek mythology, the hero who voyaged in search of the Golden Fleece.
Ossian in Gaelic legend, a hero and poet of the third century.
poor boy see "hero sandwich."
Ramachandra the hero in the Ramayana.
Sherlock Holmes a fictional detective hero in many late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century short stories and novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is described as having extraordinary powers of observation and deduction. [1/2 definitions]
Siegfried in Germanic legend and in The Nibelungenlied, a hero who wins the treasure of the Nibelungs and kills the dragon.
sub shortened form of "submarine sandwich," a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich. [1/5 definitions]
submarine sandwich a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich.
superman (cap.) the hero of an American radio and comic book series. [1/2 definitions]
ticker-tape parade a parade in which a championship sports team, war hero, or dignitary is showered with ticker tape, confetti, and the like from buildings along the parade route.
Tom Thumb the extremely small hero of many English folk tales.