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Dictionary Suite
anti-hero a central character in a story, novel, or play who lacks traditional heroic qualities, such as high purpose or moral strength.
Bronze Star a U.S. military medal given for heroic or outstanding achievement in ground combat.
calliope (cap.) in Greek mythology, the Muse of epic or heroic poetry. [1/2 definitions]
epic of a novel, play, film, or the like, having a heroic subject or a grand tone. [2/5 definitions]
heroic (pl.) extravagant or heroic behavior. [1/4 definitions]
heroine a woman of heroic character or deeds. [1/2 definitions]
hero worship much or too much reverence or admiration for a heroic figure or for great persons generally.
Homeric (often l.c.) large, imposing, or heroic. [1/2 definitions]
mock-heroic imitating or lampooning that which is heroic. [3 definitions]
pentameter heroic verse, which has lines of five iambic feet; iambic pentameter. [1/2 definitions]
romantic daring and heroic. [1/4 definitions]
unheroic combined form of heroic.
valiant showing or characterized by courage in both spirit and action; brave; heroic. [2/3 definitions]
Walter Mitty any similar seemingly mild person who fantasizes heroic acts. [1/2 definitions]