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aim to point something at a thing that you want to hit. [1/3 definitions]
Babe Ruth U.S. professional baseball player, celebrated for his ability to hit home runs and for generating public interest in the sport of baseball; born George Herman Ruth (b.1895--d.1948).
badminton a sport in which players use rackets to hit a small rubber object back and forth across a high net.
bandy to throw or hit back and forth, as a ball. [1/4 definitions]
bang a sudden, hard hit or blow. [2/3 definitions]
baseball a game played by two teams of nine people each. You get points when you hit the ball with a bat and then run around four bases. [1/2 definitions]
base hit in baseball, a hit that allows the batter to get on base safely, without an error or force-out being made.
bat1 a heavy stick that you use to hit the ball in baseball, softball, and other sports.
batter1 to hit hard again and again in a way that causes harm or damage.
bean To hit on the head with a ball or other thrown object. [1/4 definitions]
beat to hit again and again. [1/4 definitions]
beat up to hit or kick (someone) until seriously injured. [1/2 definitions]
bell a hollow metal cup that makes a ringing sound when you hit it.
belt to hit or strike with a belt. [2/11 definitions]
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.
black eye bruised skin around the eye, often caused by being hit.
blackjack to hit or beat with a blackjack. [1/6 definitions]
blindside to hit or attack (someone, esp. a football player) from an unanticipated direction.
bloop (informal) in baseball, to hit (the ball) in a low arc that carries just beyond the infield, usu. for a hit. [2 definitions]
blooper (informal) in baseball, a hit ball that flies in a low arc just beyond the infield, usu. for a hit. [1/2 definitions]
blow1 a quick, hard hit by the hand or by a hard object.