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abandon to give up (one's home, fort, ship, or the like) by leaving it. [1/3 definitions]
abode1 a residence or dwelling; home. [1/2 definitions]
abroad outside of one's home. [1/4 definitions]
absolute in grammar, syntactically independent, or nearly so, as "the weather being chilly" in the sentence "The weather being chilly, we stayed home." [1/7 definitions]
Aeaea in Greek mythology, the island home of the sorceress Circe.
Aeaean of or pertaining to Aeaea, the island home of the sorceress Circe in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
Aeaean Circe in Greek mythology, the enchantress Circe, who has the power to turn sailors into swine, as described by an epithet referring to her island home, Aeaea.
afield away from one's home. [1/2 definitions]
appliance a piece of equipment that people use to help them do work at home. Ovens and refrigerators are some kinds of appliances.
a roof over one's head a place to live; home; shelter.
at-home a usu. informal reception of visitors and guests at one's home.
Babe Ruth U.S. professional baseball player, celebrated for his ability to hit home runs and for generating public interest in the sport of baseball; born George Herman Ruth (b.1895--d.1948).
bathrobe a loose garment worn before or after bathing, over pajamas, or for relaxing in the home.
billet1 nonmilitary lodging assigned to troops, esp. in a private home. [1/6 definitions]
break in to enter a home or other property by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/3 definitions]
break-in an incident in which a home or other property is entered without authorization and for an illegal purpose, especially that of burglary.
break into to enter (a home, vehicle, or other property) by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/6 definitions]
briefcase a flat container that is often made of leather and has a handle. It is used for carrying things like documents or books between home and work or while traveling.
bulletin board a board on which things such as notices or advertisements are displayed. A bulletin board usually hangs on a wall either in your home or in a public place.
bum (informal) a poor person with no home and no job; tramp. [1/3 definitions]
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home. [1/3 definitions]