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catcher the player who is behind the batter at home plate in baseball or softball. The catcher catches balls thrown by the pitcher.
fadeaway in baseball, designating a curve ball that dips and slows down as it reaches home plate. [1/2 definitions]
first base in counterclockwise order from home plate, the first of three bases marking the infield of a baseball diamond. [1/2 definitions]
foul line either of the lines on a baseball field drawn from home plate through first and third bases to the outfield. Foul lines mark the area within which fair play takes place. [1/2 definitions]
home home plate in baseball or softball. [1/9 definitions]
home plate a flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands in a baseball game. The base runner must touch home plate in order to score a run.
left field in baseball, the section of the outfield that is to the left of center field when viewed from home plate. [1/2 definitions]
right field the section of a baseball field outside the diamond and to the right of home plate. [1/2 definitions]
second base in baseball, the second of four bases, located behind the pitcher's mound and opposite home plate. [1/2 definitions]
squeeze play in baseball, a play in which a runner on third base starts for home plate when the pitcher releases the ball, and the batter tries to bunt. [1/2 definitions]
strike zone in baseball, the area above home plate, specifically between the batter's shoulders and knees, through which the pitch must pass to be ruled a strike.
third base in baseball, the base that is located between second base and home plate. [1/2 definitions]