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candor the quality of openness, honesty, and straightforwardness in expression. [1/2 definitions]
dactyl in prosody, a metrical unit consisting of one accented or long syllable followed by two unaccented or short syllables, as in the words "syllable" and "honesty". [1/2 definitions]
dishonest resulting from or showing lack of honesty. [1/2 definitions]
dishonesty the inclination to lie, steal, or cheat; lack of honesty. [1/2 definitions]
doubtful of uncertain reliability or honesty. [1/4 definitions]
good faith a state of honesty, sincerity, and good intentions (usu. prec. by "in").
indirection lack of honesty; crookedness; deviousness. [1/2 definitions]
integrity a strong sense of honesty; firmness of moral character.
just characterized by fairness and honesty. [1/12 definitions]
probity proven trustworthiness; honesty; integrity.
questionable of doubtful honesty, legality, or propriety. [1/3 definitions]
rightly in accordance with honesty and justice. [1/2 definitions]
sincerity a thorough and genuine honesty; candor; earnestness.
single-hearted marked by honesty and sincerity; dedicated.
trust a belief in the honesty or reliability of a person. [2/14 definitions]
truth what is sincere; honesty. [1/4 definitions]
unscrupulous lacking concern for honesty, fairness, or the like; without conscience or scruples.
untouchable one whose honesty, incorruptibility, or the like is beyond question. [1/8 definitions]
veracity adherence to truthfulness; honesty. [1/3 definitions]