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bassinet an oblong basket with a hood over one end, used as a cradle for infants.
bill2 the visor forming part of a cap or hood. [1/3 definitions]
bonnet the British word for the metal lid that covers a car's engine. "Bonnet" has the same meaning as "hood." [1/2 definitions]
burnoose a cloak with a hood, worn esp. by Arabs.
cabriolet a light, one-horse carriage designed for two passengers and having two wheels and a folding hood. [2 definitions]
capote a long cloak, usu. having a hood.
capuchin a Central or South American monkey with a nearly bare face and a crown of hair that resembles a monk's hood. [1/3 definitions]
cobra a poisonous snake found in Asia and Africa. When excited, cobras are known to rear up and spread the skin of their necks into a shape like a hood.
cowl a hood or hooded robe, often worn by monks. [1/6 definitions]
cucullate shaped like a cowl or hood.
djellaba a long, loose-fitting garment with a hood and full sleeves, worn especially in northern Africa.
domino2 a long, loose cloak or robe with a hood, worn by clergymen or, often with an eye mask, by masqueraders. [1/3 definitions]
gas mantle an incombustible meshwork hood for a gas jet or kerosene wick that gives off a brilliant incandescent light when a flame is lit within it.
-head state or condition of being; -hood.
hood to provide or cover with a hood. [1/6 definitions]
hoodie a sweatshirt with an attached hood.
jack-in-the-pulpit a North American wildflower having a single vertical spike with a green and purple sheath that forms a hood over its top.
louver any similar set of narrow openings, as in an automobile hood or machine, usu. to provide air flow. [1/3 definitions]
monkshood any of a group of ornamental plants bearing flowers with large sepals joined in a hood over the petals.
parka a warm jacket with a hood.
shade an object or device that intercepts or blocks light rays or heat, esp. a cone-shaped hood for a lamp, or a window shade. [1/16 definitions]