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Dictionary Suite
bleak1 hopeless; without cheer. [1/2 definitions]
dash to make hopeless; ruin. [1/8 definitions]
desolate feeling friendless or hopeless. [2/6 definitions]
desperate almost hopeless; very serious. [1/3 definitions]
doomed destined to fail; hopeless. [1/3 definitions]
forlorn nearly hopeless. [1/3 definitions]
gone hopeless; irrecoverable; lost. [1/8 definitions]
incurable not capable of being reformed; hopeless. [1/2 definitions]
irredeemable beyond remedy or redemption; hopeless or lost. [1/3 definitions]
suffix a part of a word with its own meaning that is added to the end of another word to change the meaning. The suffix "ed" in "wanted" gives the meaning of past time. The suffix "less" in "hopeless" gives the meaning "without."