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banquet to take part in a banquet as host or guest. [1/4 definitions]
call-in a telephone conversation between a listener or viewer and a radio or television host, which is broadcast on the host's show. [2 definitions]
computer virus a code inserted into a host program that can attach itself to and seriously damage other programs, including a computer's system.
computer worm a computer program that can propagate, by itself, from host to host, often causing loss of memory space and sometimes minor harm to a system.
do the honors to function as a host; serve.
host1 to be or serve as a host at. [1/3 definitions]
hostess a woman who serves as a host. [1/3 definitions]
Johnny Carson popular comedian and, from 1962 to 1992, host of a late-night talk show; born John William Carson (b.1925--d.2005).
monstrance in Roman Catholicism, the receptacle containing the consecrated Host.
Oprah Winfrey influential U.S. talk-show host, actor, philanthropist, and reputedly the first African-American woman billionaire (b.1954).
parasite a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism.
parasitism the relationship between a parasite and its host, involving benefit to the parasite and harm to the host. [1/2 definitions]
potlatch among Indians of the Pacific Northwest, a ceremony in which a host destroys or gives away his property to guests, who are expected to reciprocate later with a similar or greater display.
sacrament (usu. cap.) the Eucharist or its consecrated elements, esp. the bread or host. [1/4 definitions]
tabernacle a small box for consecrated wine and the Host, usu. located on the altar. [1/3 definitions]
talk show a radio or television program in which a host talks with famous or interesting people. On a talk show, questions may be taken from people in the listening or viewing audience.
trematode any of various parasitic flatworms that have one or more external suckers with which to attach themselves to a host.
trichina a tiny parasitic worm that causes trichinosis by residing, in the adult stage, in the intestines of its host animal and, during the larval stage, encysting the muscles.