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Dictionary Suite
disk wheel a wheel with a solid disk instead of spokes between hub and rim, used esp. on automobiles.
freewheel a device in the rear hub of a bicycle that lets the rear wheel continue turning after the pedals are stopped. [1/4 definitions]
ganglion any place where activity, industry, learning, or the like is concentrated; hub. [1/2 definitions]
hubcap a round metal cover over the hub of a car wheel.
nave2 the center of a wheel; hub.
outlying away from the center or hub; distant or out-of-the-way.
propeller a device used to make an airplane or ship move forward. A propeller is made of tilted blades that are attached to and spin around a hub.
rim the outer part of a wheel, usu. connected to the hub by spokes. [1/6 definitions]
screw propeller two or more blades mounted on a hub so that, when rotated, they push air or water backward to give an aircraft or ship forward thrust; propeller.
spinner a cap that fits over the hub of an airplane propeller and spins with it. [1/4 definitions]