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A3 abbreviation of "angstrom" or "angstroms," a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter, used in measuring light waves.
afghani the chief monetary unit of Afghanistan, equaling one hundred puls.
angstrom (often cap.) a unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimeter, used in measuring light waves; angstrom unit. (abbr.: A, A.U.)
antique an object of art or handicraft, such as furniture, made in earlier times, esp. over one hundred years before, and usu. of interest to collectors. [1/5 definitions]
are2 a unit of area equal to one hundred square meters or 119.6 square yards.
aspartame an artificial sweetener about two hundred times sweeter than sucrose, synthesized from amino acids and used as a low-calorie sugar substitute in manufactured soft drinks, cereals, cookies, and the like.
asteroid a small, rocky, planet-like body that circles the sun and is mostly found between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. The size of an asteroid can vary from very tiny to six hundred miles across.
austral2 the chief monetary unit of Argentina, equaling one hundred centavos.
baht the chief monetary unit of Thailand, equaling one hundred satang.
balboa the chief monetary unit of Panama, equaling one hundred centesimos.
betatron in physics, an electron accelerator in which the speed of the electrons is increased to high energies, from a few million to a few hundred million electron volts, by the action of a rapidly changing magnetic field.
bicentenary occurring every two hundred years; bicentennial. [2 definitions]
bicentennial occurring once every two hundred years. [4 definitions]
birr2 the chief monetary unit of Ethiopia, equaling one hundred cents.
blended whiskey a blend of two straight whiskeys, or of one with neutral spirits in which the hundred-proof straight whiskey constitutes at least twenty percent of the combined volume.
blue whale the largest whale, as much as one hundred feet long, with a bluish gray back, yellow undersides, and grooves running lengthwise on the throat and abdomen.
bolivar the chief monetary unit of Venezuela, equaling one hundred centimos.
Boston Tea Party a protest by colonial Americans against the British tax on imported tea in which colonists disguised as Indians boarded ships in Boston Harbor and dumped several hundred chests of tea overboard on the night of December 16, 1773.
C1 abbreviation of "Celsius," or "Centigrade," of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water.
carat a unit of weight for gems, equal to two hundred milligrams. [1/2 definitions]
catty2 a unit of weight used in Southeast Asia, equal to 680 grams, or about one and one half pounds, but in China equal to five hundred grams.