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à la mode served with an ice cream topping, as pie or other desserts, or braised with vegetables and served in a rich brown gravy, as beef. [1/2 definitions]
baked Alaska a rich dessert made by piling ice cream on top of a layer of cake, covering the whole with meringue, and baking or broiling until the meringue begins to brown.
bisque1 an ice cream made with crushed nuts or macaroons. [1/2 definitions]
bombe a frozen dessert consisting of two or more different kinds of ice cream, often with a light, frothy center made of eggs and sugar, frozen in a melon-shaped mold.
cherries jubilee a dessert made of vanilla ice cream topped with a sauce of black cherries and served flambé with brandy or kirsch.
cornet a cone-shaped wafer or pastry, used to hold ice cream or the like. [1/2 definitions]
fountain a counter in a store or restaurant at which one can purchase sodas and other ice cream dishes, and often a limited selection of other light food and drink, for consumption on the premises; soda fountain. [1/5 definitions]
frappé a thick drink made with milk, ice cream, and flavoring, and whipped or shaken together; milk shake. [1/3 definitions]
frozen custard a food similar to ice cream but made with skim milk and having a softer smoother texture.
ice cream a sweet, frozen food made by mixing cream, sugar, and other things. Ice cream is made in many different flavors.
ice milk a kind of frozen dessert similar to ice cream but made with skim milk rather than cream.
Jimmies trademark for small chocolate sprinkles eaten esp. on ice cream.
malted milk a drink made of milk and dried malt mixed with ice cream.
milk shake a frothy cold drink made of milk, flavoring, and usu. ice cream blended together.
parfait a dessert consisting of layers of ice cream, fruit, and syrup or other flavorings, served in a tall glass. [1/2 definitions]
scoop a utensil with a thick handle and a small round bowl, used to serve ice cream or the like; ladle. [1/12 definitions]
soda a cold drink made with soda water, a sweet syrup, and ice cream; ice cream soda. [1/3 definitions]
soda fountain a counter in a restaurant or store equipped to serve ice cream dishes, soft drinks, and light meals or snacks. [1/2 definitions]
soda jerk (informal) one who prepares and serves sodas and other ice cream dishes at a soda fountain.
sprinkle (pl.) tiny bits of chocolate or tiny multicolored sweets used for decorating and enhancing the top of desserts such as ice cream or cupcakes. [1/9 definitions]
spumoni an Italian ice cream that contains chopped nuts and fruits and sometimes has layers of different colors and flavors.