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American dream the American ideal that any man or woman may obtain material wealth, equality, freedom, and the like.
apotheosis a perfect or ideal example; epitome. [1/2 definitions]
beau ideal the concept or ideal of perfect beauty. [1/2 definitions]
bench show a competitive show of dogs or cats in which prizes are awarded on the basis of greatest conformity to ideal standards for a given breed.
chivalry the qualities expected of an ideal knight during the Middle Ages in Europe. These included courage, honor, politeness, and being prepared to help those in need.
exemplar an ideal that serves as a pattern; archetype. [1/4 definitions]
faithful giving allegiance to a person, cause, or ideal. [1/7 definitions]
hero one who demonstrates great courage and nobility, esp. one who is considered a model or ideal. [1/3 definitions]
ideal of or having to do with being an ideal. [1/6 definitions]
idealist an artist or writer who conveys an ideal vision of the world. [1/3 definitions]
idealization the act or process of portraying something in an ideal form. [1/2 definitions]
idealize to conceive or represent in an ideal form; raise to an ideal level; consider to be ideal. [2 definitions]
idealless combined form of ideal.
ideally in conformance with an ideal; perfectly. [2 definitions]
incubate to provide ideal conditions for the growth and development of (a prematurely born child or a bacterial culture). [1/5 definitions]
incubator a temperature-controlled apparatus in which ideal conditions are maintained for the recovery of sick or premature infants. [2/3 definitions]
jihad any fanatical crusade for an ideal or principle. [1/2 definitions]
loyal showing steady adherence, service, or faithfulness, as to a government, group, person, ideal, or the like (often fol. by "to").
might as well used to indicate an alternative course of action that cannot be any worse than what one is currently doing and may be the best course of action, even though it may not be the ideal thing or the thing that one had originally planned. [1/2 definitions]
model an example that should be copied or an ideal that others are compared to. [2/10 definitions]
nonideal combined form of ideal.