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Bertillon system a system used before the adoption of fingerprinting for identification, esp. of criminals, through records of bodily measurements, markings, coloring, and the like.
botany a book on the identification and use of plants or plant products. [1/4 definitions]
branding iron a long-handled metal implement, usu. with a stamp or symbol at the end, that is heated and pressed against a surface, esp. the skin of a cow, to make a burn of a particular shape for identification.
card1 a small piece of thick paper, cardboard, or plastic printed with personal data such as name and address and used as identification. [1/4 definitions]
dactylography the study of fingerprints as a basis for identification.
docket to provide (a document or the like) with written identification or endorsement. [1/7 definitions]
dog tag a usu. metal identification tag to be attached to a dog's collar. [2 definitions]
empathy identification with or sharing of another's feelings, situation, or attitudes. [1/2 definitions]
fingerprint a mark made by the tip of a finger on an object that it has touched. Police and hospital records keep fingerprints made by a finger dipped in ink. These are used for identification, because no two people have the same fingerprint. [1/2 definitions]
guidon a small flag carried for military identification or signaling. [1/2 definitions]
hail1 to call out, as a greeting, signal, or means of identification, esp. to a passing ship. [1/7 definitions]
ID1 an abbreviation for identification.
ID2 abbreviation of "identification," often used as a shortened form of "identification card."
identification something that proves who a person is. A passport is a form of identification.
indenture a legal deed or contract, esp. one in which the copies have matching indentations used for identification or authentication. [1/5 definitions]
lineup an arrangement of people or things in a line or row, as for identification or inspection. [1/4 definitions]
localism an excessively strong identification with or promotion of one's locality. [1/2 definitions]
make (slang) identification of a suspect. [1/19 definitions]
morgue a place in which dead bodies are stored pending identification, autopsy, or burial. [1/2 definitions]
nametag a label or badge bearing a person's name, worn in a visible place on the person's clothing for identification.
overidentification combined form of identification.