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blink to ignore or see with indifference (usu. fol. by "at"). [1/10 definitions]
connive to ignore or fail to report a wrongdoing, and thus tacitly support it (often fol. by "at"). [1/2 definitions]
disregard to pay no attention to; ignore. [1/2 definitions]
elide to pass over, ignore, or suppress. [1/2 definitions]
go to any lengths to ignore possible danger, discomfort, or inconvenience in pursuing a goal.
overlook to pay no attention to; ignore. [1/4 definitions]
play possum to pretend to be asleep or dead; keep very still to avoid being noticed. Opossums do this so predators will ignore them.
rise above to ignore or feign indifference to.
run away to ignore or try not to face (problems, difficult situations, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
shrug off to ignore or minimize. [1/3 definitions]
slight to pointedly ignore or treat with indifference or a lack of courtesy. [1/8 definitions]
snub to ignore as a way to show dislike, dissatisfaction, or contempt. [1/2 definitions]
take into account to consider; to not ignore.
tune out (informal) to break away from or ignore.
turn a blind eye to ignore or tolerate behavior that is considered wrong, or that is against a rule or against the law.