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ail to be ill or feel sick. [1/2 definitions]
airsick feeling sick or dizzy because of air travel; feeling ill due to flying.
ambulance a vehicle used to carry ill or injured people to a hospital.
amiable characterized by or showing a friendly disposition; free of ill will; congenial.
asylum (old-fashioned) an institution for the care of those who are unable to maintain themselves, such as orphans or the severely mentally ill. [1/3 definitions]
augur to be an omen; bode (usu. fol. by "ill" or "well"). [1/5 definitions]
bad-humored having or showing an unpleasant or ill-tempered nature or mood.
befoul to speak ill of; disparage exceedingly. [1/2 definitions]
bile ill temper or anger. [1/2 definitions]
bilious ill-tempered; irritable. [1/3 definitions]
boorish of or resembling a boor; rude; ill-mannered; crude.
bounder an obtrusive, ill-bred, or vulgar person, esp. a man who behaves badly toward women. [1/2 definitions]
caregiver a medical worker who provides care and assistance to an ill, disabled, or elderly person. [1/2 definitions]
caretaker a person who takes care of another person who is ill or elderly. [1/2 definitions]
catch to become ill with. [1/13 definitions]
catch cold to become ill with a cold.
come down with to become ill with (a cold, influenza, or some other illness).
crab2 (informal) a complaining or ill-tempered person; grouch. [1/2 definitions]
crabbed irritable or ill-tempered; grouchy. [1/2 definitions]
crank (informal) an ill-tempered person; one who complains a great deal. [1/6 definitions]
cross in an ill humor. [1/16 definitions]