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achromatic able to give an image in which colors are reproduced with little or no distortion. [1/3 definitions]
actinic rays electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays or ultraviolet light, that can produce an image on a photographic emulsion.
anamorphic producing, marked by, or pertaining to intentional distortion of an image.
angiogram an x-ray image of blood vessels that is taken after injecting a substance that absorbs x-rays into the blood.
apparition a ghostly image; phantom; specter. [1/2 definitions]
astigmatism an irregularity in the curvature of a lens, including that of the eye, that prevents rays of light from meeting in a single focal point, resulting in an indistinct or distorted image. [1/2 definitions]
bambino an image of Jesus Christ as a child. [1/2 definitions]
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry. [2 definitions]
camera in television, the device that receives the image and changes it into electrical impulses for transmission. [1/2 definitions]
CAT scan an image of an area of the body that is formed from a grouping of x-rays on a computer. CAT scans are used to make a diagnosis in medical treatment. CAT stands for computerized axial tomography.
chimera a fantastic, often horrible, idea or image produced by the mind. [1/3 definitions]
coma2 in optics, a diffuse image of a point source in the shape of a comet. [1/3 definitions]
composite a visual image, esp. a photograph, composed of several individual pictures. [1/5 definitions]
computer-enhanced of, involving, or pertaining to the use of a computer to improve an image, video, design, or process.
conceive to form a concept, idea, or image in one's mind (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/6 definitions]
concrete poetry a form of poetry in which the arrangement of words and phrases on the printed page is intended to convey a visual as well as poetic image.
counterimage combined form of image.
crown a coin, such as the koruna of former Czechoslovakia, whose name means "crown," or one that has the image of a crown or a head with a crown. [1/21 definitions]
crusado a silver or gold coin formerly minted in Portugal featuring the image of a cross.
develop to treat with chemicals so as to create a photographic image. [1/6 definitions]
dove1 a pure white bird of this type, or image of such, representing peace or innocence. [1/4 definitions]