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conceive to be able to think of or imagine. [1/6 definitions]
dream to imagine as something strongly desired (usu. fol. by "of"). [2/6 definitions]
envisage to imagine; foresee.
envision to picture or visualize in the mind; imagine.
fancy to imagine or picture. [1/7 definitions]
fantasize to dream up or create a fantasy about; imagine. [1/2 definitions]
fantasy to imagine, fantasize, or dream. [1/5 definitions]
ideate to form a thought or idea of; imagine. [1/2 definitions]
imaginable possible to imagine; conceivable.
inconceivable impossible to imagine, understand, or think about.
infinity a distance we cannot measure because it goes on forever, or a place that we imagine is at the end of such a distance. [1/3 definitions]
invention the ability or capacity to invent, devise, originate, or imagine; inventiveness. [1/5 definitions]
make a mountain out of a molehill to imagine something to be much more significant or more of a problem than it really is.
make believe to pretend or imagine.
picture to make an image of someone or something in one's mind; imagine. [1/2 definitions]
prefigure to have an image of beforehand; imagine. [1/2 definitions]
pretend to imagine or make believe. [1/2 definitions]
suppose to imagine or think of something as a possibility. [1/2 definitions]
think to form as an idea; imagine. [1/9 definitions]