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Asiatic Barred Zone a region including most of Asia from which immigration to the United States was banned as part of the Immigration Act of 1917.
coast guard (cap.) a U.S. military service that enforces maritime, customs, and immigration laws, aids vessels in distress, discourages smugglers, and defends the nation's coasts. [1/2 definitions]
DHS an abbreviation for "Department of Homeland Security." The DHS is the part of the U.S. government that deals with immigration and naturalization. It also tries to protect the country from terrorism.
Ellis Island an island in Upper New York Bay where, from 1892 to 1943, millions of incoming immigrants to the U.S. were processed. The facility on the island is now a museum that illuminates the immigration experience.
Hong Kong a region of southeast China containing Hong Kong Island as well as many other islands and the adjacent mainland. Hong Kong was a British colony from the 1840s until 1997 when it was reverted to Chinese rule as a "Special Administrative Region." While it is a part of China and controlled by the Chinese government on all matters related to defense and foreign affairs, Hong Kong operates with a great deal of autonomy, with its own legal system, police force, immigration policy, and currency.
INS an abbreviation for "Immigration and Naturalization Service," which is now United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
open door a policy of admitting, to one country, the people or companies of all other nations on an equal basis for trade or immigration. [1/2 definitions]
permanent resident a legal status granted to non-citizens of the U.S. who have met certain requirements of the Immigration Service, allowing them to live and work permanently in the U.S. and to enter the country without a visa.
restrictionism the policy of supporting restriction or limitation, as of trade, immigration, use of land, or the like.
Roberto Suro an American journalist and professor who specializes in Hispanic issues and immigration policy. Suro is the former director of the Pew Hispanic Center (b.1951).
USCIS an abbreviation for "United States Citizenship and Immigration Services." The USCIS is the government department that deals with people who have moved to the United States and with people who want to become citizens of the United States.