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acoustic intended to modify or improve sound quality, as a building material. [1/3 definitions]
add to combine (something) with something else, often to increase the quantity of the latter, or to improve it or make it more complete. [1/5 definitions]
additive a substance added to another substance in small amounts to change or improve it.
add-on an optional item that may be bought in addition to a main item to supplement or improve it. [1/2 definitions]
aerobic tending to stimulate the heart and lungs and thereby improve the body's ability to utilize oxygen. [1/3 definitions]
agroforestry a land management system that uses trees or shrubs in cropland to improve sustainability.
align to adjust (something), usu. a device, to improve its function. [1/6 definitions]
ameliorate to make better; improve. [2 definitions]
amend to make better or make right; improve; rectify. [2/3 definitions]
better to improve. [1/11 definitions]
breed in genetics, to fertilize or pollinate under controlled conditions in order to develop or improve a strain. [1/9 definitions]
buoy to improve the morale of (often fol. by "up"). [1/5 definitions]
capon a rooster that has been castrated and fattened to improve its palatability.
chemical additive an artificial substance added in small amounts to another to improve, preserve, or otherwise alter it.
chimney pot a pipe, usu. of clay, fitted to the top of a chimney to improve the draft.
cinder to scatter cinders on, usu. to improve traction for vehicles or pedestrians. [1/4 definitions]
clean up one's act (informal) to improve one's performance or behavior.
compost a mixture of decaying leaves, vegetables, or manure that is used to improve garden soil.
computer-enhanced of, involving, or pertaining to the use of a computer to improve an image, video, design, or process.
conditioner a substance used to improve the condition of something such as hair, or added to enhance the usability of something such as water. [1/2 definitions]
constructive serving to clarify or improve; helpful. [1/3 definitions]