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attention deficit disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often abbreviated "ADHD").
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder a behavioral disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by inability to focus one's attention, impulsive behaviors, and, often, hyperactivity (often abbreviated as "ADHD").
caprice a sudden, impulsive change of mind or direction, or an unpredictable action. [1/3 definitions]
civilize to bring to an educated or refined condition; cause impulsive or destructive behavior to be voluntarily restrained.
civilized educated or refined; not impulsive or destructive; socialized or civil.
dizzy impulsive or hasty. [1/7 definitions]
hotspur an impulsive, headstrong, hot-tempered person. [1/2 definitions]
idea an impulsive plan; notion; fancy. [1/6 definitions]
impetuous done suddenly and without much thought; impulsive.
instinctive caused by, or as if by, instinct; impulsive. [1/2 definitions]
intellectualism excessive emphasis on the rational as opposed to the emotional, impulsive, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
mad as a hatter wildly impulsive or completely crazy.