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Dictionary Suite
additionally in addition to what was already mentioned.
add-on an optional item that may be bought in addition to a main item to supplement or improve it. [1/2 definitions]
again in addition to the other amount being compared with. [1/5 definitions]
also in addition to what has just been said or written. [1/3 definitions]
and/or in addition to or instead of.
benefits something that you get, in addition to money, from your job. Some benefits are health insurance and paid vacation leave. [1/2 definitions]
besides in addition to.
both the one in addition to the other. [1/3 definitions]
cheerleading the activity of encouraging spectators to cheer for a sports team during a competitive event using special yells and chants in addition to performing strenuous athletic feats of tumbling and gymnastics to bolster spectators' enthusiasm.
connotation a secondary meaning or implication of a word or expression, in addition to its primary meaning. (Cf. denotation.) [1/2 definitions]
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning. [1/2 definitions]
cover charge a fixed amount charged by nightclubs and restaurants in addition to the price of food and drink, often used to defray the cost of live entertainment or music.
fringe benefit a benefit, such as health insurance or a pension, given to an employee in addition to wages or salary.
furthermore in addition to what has just been stated; in addition; moreover.
hemolymph the circulatory fluid in the open tissue spaces of some invertebrates that acts as or in addition to blood.
moonlighting working at a second job, often at night, in addition to one's regular, full-time job.
nickname a name given to a person, place, or thing in place of or in addition to the proper name, to indicate humor, familiarity, or the character of the person, place, or thing. [1/3 definitions]
on top of in addition to. [1/3 definitions]
opéra comique opera with spoken dialogue in addition to musical solos and ensembles.
other something different or in addition to that. [1/14 definitions]
over and above in addition to; besides.