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Dictionary Suite
advance man an agent or aide who takes care of publicity, security, and other arrangements in advance of the appearance of a politician, theater group, or the like.
aforethought planned or thought of in advance; premeditated.
ahead in front of; in advance of. [1/6 definitions]
ahead of in advance of; earlier in time than. [1/3 definitions]
anticipant arriving or taking action in advance. [2/3 definitions]
anticipate to look forward to; expect. [2 definitions]
before in advance of in time; previous to. [2/8 definitions]
beforehand in advance; at a previous time; earlier.
bespeak to arrange for or reserve in advance. [1/2 definitions]
deliberate thought out in advance; carefully considered; premeditated. [1/5 definitions]
destine to ordain in advance or fix on a particular course, as by fate or divine will. [1/2 definitions]
discount to lend or advance money on (commercial paper payable in the future) with interest deducted in advance. [2/12 definitions]
down1 paid in advance, usu. as a first installment. [1/21 definitions]
drop in to come for a casual visit, often without arranging to in advance (often fol. by "on").
engaged reserved in advance or presently occupied. [1/4 definitions]
expect to know in advance or believe certain or likely to happen. [1/5 definitions]
fast1 in advance of the correct time. [1/12 definitions]
foresee to see in advance as likely to happen; predict.
foretell to tell of in advance; prophesy; forecast. [1/2 definitions]
forward being in advance. [1/13 definitions]
front money money that is paid in advance, esp. to start a project.