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advocate to speak or act in favor of. [2 definitions]
animal rights a movement that works for the rights of animals. People in favor of animal rights believe that animals should not be hurt or killed just to make the lives of humans easier.
argument a reason in favor of or against something. [1/2 definitions]
champion someone who speaks or acts in favor of a person or cause. [2/3 definitions]
come down to make a judgment in favor of one side or another. [1/9 definitions]
counsel to advise in favor of; advocate. [1/6 definitions]
deficiency judgment a judicial decision in favor of a creditor for that part of a debt not satisfied by the debtor, esp. following the foreclosure and sale of a mortgage property.
for in favor of. [1/12 definitions]
heir presumptive one whose right to inherit property or a title may be legally set aside in favor of a closer relative born before the ancestor dies. (See heir apparent.)
opposed not in favor of; against.
pro1 a reason in favor of something.
pro-2 in favor of; supporting. [1/2 definitions]
progressive in favor of social progress or change. [1/4 definitions]
propaganda information or statements of opinion that are deliberately circulated among the public in order to persuade the population to accept a particular point of view, esp. one in favor of or opposed to a particular movement, cause, or doctrine.
radical in favor of extreme changes in government or society. [1/4 definitions]
socialist a person who works in favor of or practices socialism.
uphold to support or decide in favor of, when faced with a challenge. [1/2 definitions]
yes a vote in favor of something; aye. [1/4 definitions]