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abreast in full awareness; up to date (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/4 definitions]
blow-by-blow in full and precise detail, as a description or report.
dress rehearsal the last full rehearsal of a play or other production before performance, done in full costume.
express stated in full; clear. [1/5 definitions]
fuller's earth a very absorbent clay used esp. in fulling woolen cloth and also as a filter, dusting powder, catalyst, and the like.
land contract a real estate contract in which the buyer agrees to make periodic payments to the seller, taking title only when the purchase price has been paid in full.
layaway a system of payment in which a deposit is made to reserve desired goods, the goods are then paid for over time in installments, and the goods are received by the customer when they are paid for in full. [1/2 definitions]
long division a procedure of dividing one number by another number, in which each step, with its subtraction and its remainder, is written down in full.
longhand writing done by hand in which words are written out in full.
mature grown in full. [1/2 definitions]
model a small exact copy of something, often used as a guide to making the thing in full size. [1/10 definitions]
plenary indulgence in the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence that remits in full the temporal punishment still due to sin after absolution.
satisfied paid in full, as a debt. [1/3 definitions]
sploot of a mammal, to lie flat with the front side of the body on the ground or other surface and with hind legs and sometimes front legs spread out in full length, typically done for the purpose of cooling the body.
write out to write in full.