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fall for (informal) to become intensely attracted to (someone) and feel that one is in love. [1/2 definitions]
Galatea in Greek and Roman mythology, a statue of a woman brought to life by Aphrodite because Pygmalion, who made the statue, fell in love with it.
gone on (informal) infatuated with; helplessly in love with.
infatuate foolishly or irrationally in love; infatuated. [1/2 definitions]
lover one who is in love with another. [1/4 definitions]
narcissus (cap.) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
philter a magic potion, esp. one designed to make a person fall in love.
Pygmalion in Greek and Roman mythology, a king of Cyprus who made a statue of a woman with which he fell in love, and which Aphrodite then brought to life. (Cf. Galatea.)
run away to go away secretly with a person one is in love with, usually to get married (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/3 definitions]
sweetheart one of a pair of people who are in love with each other. [1/4 definitions]
torch song a popular song of failure or unhappiness in love.