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advertise to present (a product or idea) in a favorable light to win public patronage, support, or approval. [1/4 definitions]
advertisement a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products. [1/2 definitions]
advt. abbreviation of "advertisement," a notice or public announcement designed to gain public attention, esp. to promote the sale of certain products.
air to speak about, usu. in public. [1/8 definitions]
anticlerical opposed to the influence of the clergy or church in public affairs, esp. politics.
burka a long, loose garment that covers the face and body, worn in public by many Muslim women with a space left open for the eyes and typically covered by a mesh screen. [1/2 definitions]
computer lab a room providing access to numerous computers, typically found in a school, library, government institution, or private company. Use of a computer lab is free in public institutions and also in private institutions when one has authorization.
cruise (informal) to search for a sex partner, esp. in public places. [1/6 definitions]
debut to present in public for the first time. [1/5 definitions]
deliverance a thought, opinion, or pronouncement expressed formally or in public. [1/3 definitions]
elocution one's style or manner of speaking, esp. in public. [1/2 definitions]
esquire to accompany or escort in public. [1/4 definitions]
exhibitionism the pathological desire to expose one's genitalia in public. [1/2 definitions]
flash to expose one's genitals or breasts briefly in public in order to shock others. [1/17 definitions]
give to perform in public. [1/13 definitions]
graffito (pl.) collectively, that which is written, scratched, or drawn on walls or the like, esp. in public places. [1/2 definitions]
harangue a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, esp. such a speech delivered in public; tirade. [1/4 definitions]
lame duck an elected official or group of officials serving in public office during the period between an unsuccessful or unattempted reelection and the inauguration of a successor. [1/2 definitions]
lie in state of a corpse, to be exhibited in public prior to burial so that others may pay their respects.
make a spectacle of oneself to behave disreputably or foolishly in public.
man about town a man whose worldly social life and knowledge of fashionable places keep him in public notice.