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altogether if you count or include everything.
anthologize to include in an anthology. [1/2 definitions]
Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in western Asia that lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the Arabian Peninsula on the southeast. Countries located on the peninsula include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.
backlist to place on or include in a backlist. [1/2 definitions]
brakeman a member of a railroad crew whose duties include inspecting the train and assisting the conductor.
brown bear a bear that is mainly brown in color, found in western North America and northern Europe and Asia. Brown bears vary in size from the small Syrian variety to the giant Kodiak bear and include the North American grizzlies. They are found in more parts of the world than any other kind of bear.
canonize to include or treat as sacred. [1/3 definitions]
Central Africa a large region of Africa in the central part of that continent. Central Africa is generally considered to include the countries of Chad, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Other nearby nations, such as Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Rwanda, and Burundi, are often included as part of Central Africa as well.
chorea a disease of the nervous system in humans and dogs whose symptoms include uncontrollable jerking movements of the face, arms, and legs.
city council the elected governing body of a city, whose functions include enacting city laws or ordinances, imposing taxes, and appropriating funds.
civic responsibility a particular responsibility or duty deemed an important aspect of being a productive and contributing citizen of a community or country. Ideas about what constitutes one's civic responsibilities vary but often include such things as obeying laws, voting in elections, respecting the rights of others, and performing public service.
compass to include entirely; encompass; encircle. [1/9 definitions]
comprehend to include. [1/3 definitions]
comprise to include. [1/2 definitions]
contain to have as components or contents; include. [1/4 definitions]
count1 to take into account; include. [1/8 definitions]
cover to give attention to something; include. [1/5 definitions]
croup1 an abnormal respiratory condition, most common in children, the symptoms of which include coughing and difficulty in breathing.
dinoflagellate any of an order of single-celled marine organisms, classified variously as algae and protozoa, that have two flagella, are usu. luminescent, and include forms responsible for red tide. [1/2 definitions]
embrace to include or encompass. [1/8 definitions]
enclose to include something inside another thing. [1/2 definitions]