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accelerate to increase the speed or rate of. [2 definitions]
accession an addition or increase. [1/5 definitions]
accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, esp. by additions from the outside. [1/3 definitions]
accumulate to become greater; increase. [1/2 definitions]
add to put on or with something else to make larger or better. [2/5 definitions]
advance to increase the degree or rate of. [1/14 definitions]
aggrandize to increase in size or scope; enlarge; extend. [1/2 definitions]
agrochemical a chemical used to enhance the quality and increase the quantity of farm produce. [1/2 definitions]
amplification increase in electric current, voltage, power, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
amplifier an electronic device used to increase current, voltage, power, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
amplify in electrical terminology, to increase the current, amplitude, voltage, or power of. [1/4 definitions]
anabolic steroid a synthetic hormone sometimes used by athletes to increase muscle size or strength, but widely prohibited by athletic leagues, associations, and the like.
appreciate to increase in monetary value. (Cf. depreciate.) [1/4 definitions]
augment to make greater in size or amount; increase.
augmentative in grammar, of or pertaining to a word, word element, or phrase that signifies an increase in size, intensity, or the like, such as "super-" in "superheated". [1/3 definitions]
baby boom the great increase in the population of the United States that took place between 1946 and 1960.
ballast gravel or crushed rock under the rails and ties of a railway to increase stability. [1/4 definitions]
balloon to increase rapidly. [1/8 definitions]
barrage a man-made obstruction placed in a waterway to slow the flow or increase the depth of the water; dam. [1/3 definitions]
boom1 to grow or increase quickly. [1/4 definitions]
boost to make greater or higher; increase. [2/5 definitions]