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an variant of the indefinite article "a," used before words starting with a vowel or vowel sound. [1/2 definitions]
couple a small, indefinite number. [1/6 definitions]
day in, day out every day without change; continuously over an indefinite number of days.
eventual happening in the end after an indefinite amount of time.
eventually at an indefinite time in the future; ultimately; finally.
everlasting lasting for an indefinite or very long time. [1/7 definitions]
generality an indefinite or unspecific statement. [1/3 definitions]
inch a small indefinite amount. [1/3 definitions]
indefinite article either of the articles "a" or "an" in English grammar. These articles do not restrict the noun to a particular person, place or thing. In the sentence, "A dog ran into my yard," the indefinite article "a" is used to show that it could have been any dog, and that a particular dog is not being named.
indeterminate not fixed, clear, or precise; indefinite or uncertain. [1/3 definitions]
lac2 a very large, indefinite number. [1/2 definitions]
moment a very brief, indefinite amount of time. [1/4 definitions]
myriad a large but indefinite number. [1/3 definitions]
nebulous cloudlike or indefinite in outline. [1/2 definitions]
neutral lacking definitive or striking qualities; indefinite. [1/9 definitions]
open-ended indefinite or inconclusive; vague. [1/4 definitions]
past perfect a verb tense that indicates that an action or state was completed at some indefinite time before a moment in the past, as in "They had already gone". [1/2 definitions]
penumbra an indefinite, borderline area. [1/3 definitions]
period an extended and indefinite span of time, as of an archaeological or historical era. [1/8 definitions]
perpetual lasting or intended to last for an indefinite or unlimited time. [1/4 definitions]
present perfect a verb tense that indicates that an action or state has been completed at some indefinite time up to the present, as in "I have lived in four countries". [1/2 definitions]