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battalion a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [1/2 definitions]
chasseur in the French army, a member of the light infantry or light cavalry, specially trained for rapid maneuvering. [1/3 definitions]
grunt (slang) an infantry soldier. [1/7 definitions]
hoplite in ancient Greece, an infantry soldier who was heavily armed.
infantryman a soldier in the infantry; foot soldier.
phalanx a body of infantry soldiers in ancient Greece, kept in close formation for protection. [1/3 definitions]
regiment a troop of infantry consisting of at least two battalions. [1/4 definitions]
Zouave a member of a former French infantry unit, originally composed of Algerians and characterized by their colorful Oriental uniforms and precision drilling. [1/2 definitions]