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aim to strive toward a particular goal (often followed by an infinitive or "at"). [1/8 definitions]
aspire to want strongly; have as an aim (usu. fol. by "to" "after," or an infinitive).
assent to give in; concede; comply (often fol. by "to" or infinitive). [1/3 definitions]
be used with the present participle or infinitive of a verb to show a future action that is required or intended. [1/8 definitions]
bound1 certain; sure (fol. by an infinitive with "to"). [1/5 definitions]
care (formal) to have a desire; wish (used in negative statements and questions; fol. by an infinitive). [1/12 definitions]
certain destined (usu. fol. by an infinitive). [1/8 definitions]
choose to decide (followed by an infinitive). [1/4 definitions]
forget to fail to do because of not remembering (usually followed by an infinitive verb). [1/3 definitions]
get to be in the process of reaching a certain state, or to accomplish this process (fol. by a stative verb in the infinitive). [2/17 definitions]
go around to fill the specific need for something (usu. used in the infinitive form). [1/2 definitions]
indisposed not willing or inclined; averse (usu. fol. by infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
infinitive the simple form of a verb that has no subject and does not show the time of an action. It is usually formed by the word "to" followed by the base form of a verb. In the sentence, "I want to leave now," "to leave" is an infinitive.
opt to decide; choose (usually followed by "for" or an infinitive).
ought used to indicate what is considered to be morally correct or responsible behavior (usu. fol. by an infinitive with "to"). [4 definitions]
promise to give one's word or assure (usually followed by an infinitive or clause). [1/5 definitions]
propensity a natural or inborn tendency, aptitude, or preference (often fol. by an infinitive or "for").
purpose to determine or resolve (usu. fol. by an infinitive). [1/6 definitions]
say to communicate (some request or instruction) in speech or writing (fol. by an infinitive). [1/16 definitions]
seek to try (usually followed by an infinitive). [1/3 definitions]
split infinitive an infinitive in which a word or group of words, usu. an adverb or adverbial phrase, comes between "to" and its following verb, as in "to easily succeed".