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access to retrieve (information) from a computer. [1/5 definitions]
account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
activation code a set of characters, consisting of numbers, letters, characters, or a combination of these, that is sent by a website to a user's email so that the website can verify the user's email address and comply with the user's request to begin a new service or change personal information. Once received, the user enters the code into the provided box on the website so that fulfillment of the user's request can begin.
address to write information that tells where to send something. [2/4 definitions]
advisory a report containing information and, often, a warning. [1/3 definitions]
almanac a book published every year that predicts the weather for each day and gives facts about the tides, the time the sun will rise and set, and other useful information. [1/2 definitions]
amphitheatre a spelling of "amphitheater" used in Canada and Britain. See "amphitheater" for more information.
-ana collected items or information pertaining to (such) a subject.
analog representing information by physical measurements.
analyse a spelling of "analyze" used in Canada and Britain. See "analyze" for more information.
answer a reply, or the information that is sought after. [1/9 definitions]
apparently judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly. [1/2 definitions]
appendix a section at the end of a book or magazine article that gives more information. [1/2 definitions]
arbour a spelling of "arbor" used in Canada and Britain. See "arbor" for more information.
archaeology the systematic and scientific study of past human life and culture using information gained from the analysis of their artifacts, such as pottery, tools, buildings, and the like.
archive a collection of records or information that is stored somewhere. An archive often stores things that go back a long time.
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure. [1/2 definitions]
armour a spelling of "armor" used in Canada and Britain. See "armor" for more information.
armoury a spelling of "armory" used in Canada and Britain. See "armory" for more information.
as a matter of fact actually; in fact (often used when the information that follows will be surprising to the listener or a rejection of what was said previously.)
ascertain to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine.