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ampoule a small, sealable glass or plastic bulb used for sterile storage of material, esp. for subsequent analysis or hypodermic injection.
arteriography examination of the arteries by x-ray after injection with a radiopaque dye.
booster shot an injection of a vaccine given at some time after the first injection. A booster shot continues the protection against disease begun by the earlier injection.
enema the injection of a liquid into the rectum through the anus, usu. for medical purposes. [1/2 definitions]
fix (slang) an injection of a narcotic by an addict. [1/13 definitions]
fracking the injection into an oil or natural gas well of large amounts of pressurized water containing sand and chemicals, which fractures the surrounding rock, creating fissures through which oil or gas flows into the well, thus increasing its output; hydraulic fracturing.
heroin an illegal addictive narcotic made from morphine that is usu. mixed with water and taken by injection.
hydraulic fracturing the injection into an oil or natural gas well of large amounts of pressurized water containing sand and chemicals, which fractures the surrounding rock, creating fissures through which oil or gas flows into the well; fracking.
hypo2 (informal) a hypodermic needle or injection. [2/3 definitions]
hypodermic characterized by injection or introduction under the skin; subcutaneous. [2/4 definitions]
hypodermic injection the injection of a substance, usu. a medicine or drug, into a vein, muscle, or tissue beneath the skin.
nerve block a local anesthetic that works by temporarily deadening a particular nerve, usu. administered by injection into or next to the nerve.
passive immunity immunity to a disease acquired by injection of antibodies, transfer of antibodies from a mother to a fetus, or other transferences.
postinjection combined form of injection.
reinjection combined form of injection.
shot1 an injection with a needle. [1/7 definitions]
speedball to take a speedball, usu. by injection. [1/2 definitions]
superovulation the release of a larger number of eggs than normal, esp. when artificially induced by hormone injection.
transfusion the direct injection of blood or plasma into the bloodstream of a person or animal, from a container or from the bloodstream of a donor. [1/2 definitions]