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abrade to cause roughness or injury by scraping. [1/4 definitions]
abuse to treat in a manner that causes injury or offense. [1/7 definitions]
adverse causing harm or injury; bad; damaging. [1/2 definitions]
aeroembolism nitrogen or air bubbles in the bloodstream, caused by severe decompression, surgery, or injury, and resulting in severe pain and sometimes convulsions; bends; decompression sickness; caisson disease.
affront an injury to one's dignity. [1/4 definitions]
amends (used with a sing. or pl. verb) payment or compensation given to repair or satisfy damage, injury, or loss.
amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
bandage a piece of cloth used to protect or cover a wound or other injury. [1/2 definitions]
battery in law, the illegal act of assaulting another person so as to cause injury. [1/5 definitions]
bite a wound or injury from being bitten. [1/10 definitions]
blister a swollen area of skin that is filled with liquid. A blister is caused by a burn or other injury. [1/4 definitions]
bloodshed the spilling of blood through injury or violence.
blue having a bluish color of the skin as a result of severe cold or slight injury. [1/8 definitions]
brass knuckles a band of metal with finger holes that is worn over the knuckles in a fist fight in order to cause greater injury than bare knuckles.
bruise an injury that does not break the skin. It often gives pain and leaves a blue mark. [1/2 definitions]
burn an injury caused by heat or fire. [1/4 definitions]
coma1 a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
compensatory providing compensation, as for injury or loss.
concuss to cause injury to by concussion.
concussion an injury to the brain caused by a heavy blow, fall, or shock. [1/2 definitions]
contusion an injury that does not involve laceration of the skin; bruise.