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bagatelle something small or insignificant. [1/3 definitions]
blah used to indicate insignificant, predictable, boring, or irritating things being said (often spoken in repetition). [1/4 definitions]
chitchat casual or insignificant conversation. [1/3 definitions]
dinky (informal) very small; insignificant.
featherweight lightweight or insignificant. [1/4 definitions]
flyspeck a tiny spot or mark, or something similarly trivial or insignificant. [1/3 definitions]
fractional relatively small or insignificant. [1/2 definitions]
hill of beans (informal) something insignificant or barely worth consideration (used in negative constructions).
inconsiderable too small or valueless to be worthy of attention; insignificant.
jerkwater (informal) unsophisticated, backward, or insignificant.
least most unimportant or insignificant. [1/5 definitions]
little a very small or insignificant amount or proportion (Compare with "a little"). [1/9 definitions]
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant.
nonentity someone or something that is insignificant, dull, undistinguished, or unimportant, esp. a person. [1/3 definitions]
null not having any value or consequence; insignificant. [1/4 definitions]
one-horse (informal) small and provincial; unimportant; insignificant. [1/2 definitions]
pimping insignificant or trivial.
pipsqueak (informal) a person considered to be contemptibly small or insignificant.
poky small, insignificant, or shabby. [1/2 definitions]
puny exceptionally small, weak, or insignificant.
scrub2 an undersized, inferior, or insignificant person or thing. [2/6 definitions]