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check out (informal) to try out or take a look at (something or someone) in order to evaluate or form an opinion; inspect; examine. [1/5 definitions]
custom (plural but used with a singular verb) the process in which official people inspect goods and question travelers about what things they are bringing into a country, or the place where this is done. [1/4 definitions]
examine to inspect or evaluate thoroughly. [2/4 definitions]
look over to inspect or examine, often quickly.
open house a time during which a school, company, or institution is open for the public to inspect facilities, observe operations, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
overlook to examine; inspect. [1/6 definitions]
perambulate to walk through or over, esp. in order to inspect; travel through. [1/2 definitions]
reinspect combined form of inspect.
review to inspect in an official way. [1/7 definitions]
spot-check to check or inspect on a partial, usu. random, basis.
view to look at; inspect; survey. [1/7 definitions]