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Dictionary Suite
checkout an inspection or examination, esp. of machinery in order to determine whether it is functioning properly. [1/4 definitions]
checkpoint a place where something is halted for inspection, esp. a border station where the documents or vehicles of travelers are inspected.
examination the act of examining; inspection. [1/2 definitions]
exhibit to expose for viewing or inspection; present; show. [2/8 definitions]
first class the most speedily delivered and highest priced class of regular U.S. mail, consisting of letters and parcels that may be sealed against inspection, and postcards. [1/3 definitions]
going-over a thorough inspection. [1/2 definitions]
lineup an arrangement of people or things in a line or row, as for identification or inspection. [1/4 definitions]
muster to gather or come together, as for inspection. [1/5 definitions]
reinspection combined form of inspection.
review an official inspection. [1/7 definitions]
roadblock a barricade placed across the road to stop traffic and allow for inspection by police or to stop movement of the enemy by a military force. [1/3 definitions]
scrutiny a close and careful inspection. [1/2 definitions]
second class a class of U.S. mail that comprises newspapers, magazines, and commercial mail that are open to postal inspection. [1/3 definitions]
showroom a room in which merchandise, such as automobiles, is displayed for public inspection.
spot check an inspection carried out in an occasional, partial, or random fashion.
third class a low-cost class of U.S. mail, comprising items under sixteen ounces, such as advertising or political circulars, that are open to postal inspection. [1/3 definitions]
trot out (informal) to bring out for an audience's attention or inspection.
view the act of looking at or observing; visual inspection; survey. [1/7 definitions]
visit an act of calling to make an inspection or examination. [1/9 definitions]
visitation an inspection or examination. [1/5 definitions]