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academy an institution of learning, often private or specialized. [2 definitions]
account an arrangement wherein a bank or other financial institution holds a customer's deposited funds so that the funds are safe but can be accessed at any time by the customer, or the conception of this arrangement as a container for the funds that are kept. [1/16 definitions]
almoner one who distributes money or other gifts to the poor, esp. on behalf of an institution or royalty.
almshouse (old-fashioned) an institution financed from public funds that provides shelter to those in need; poorhouse. [2 definitions]
alumna a female graduate or former student of an educational institution.
alumnus a male graduate or former student of an educational institution.
apply to make a formal request, often for employment or permission to enter an institution. [1/2 definitions]
archive (often pl.) a collection of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure. [1/2 definitions]
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure. [1/2 definitions]
arm2 (pl.) the insignia of a family or institution. [1/7 definitions]
asylum (old-fashioned) an institution for the care of those who are unable to maintain themselves, such as orphans or the severely mentally ill. [1/3 definitions]
athenaeum an institution or society for the promotion of learning. [1/2 definitions]
bailout a providing of financial aid, usu. by a government to a failing company or institution. [1/3 definitions]
benefaction performance of a good deed or good deeds that benefit a person or institution, often a charitable organization. [1/2 definitions]
benefactor one who benefits or helps an individual or an institution, usu. by giving money.
bring in to earn or secure (money) for the benefit of oneself, one's family, a business, or an institution. [1/5 definitions]
business the buying and selling activity of a company or other commercial institution, or the activities of customers that use these organizations. [1/5 definitions]
call on to put out an official demand to (a person, agency, institution, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
CD2 abbreviation of "certificate of deposit," a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit.
certificate of deposit a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit.
chaplain a member of the clergy attached to a school, military unit, hospital, or other institution.