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affront to insult openly or intentionally. [1/4 definitions]
cut to hurt the feelings of; insult. [2/25 definitions]
cutting intended to insult or hurt someone's feelings. [1/5 definitions]
dishonor to subject to insult or indignity. [1/5 definitions]
indignity something that offends or injures one's dignity; humiliation or insult.
outrage a deep insult. [1/6 definitions]
raspberry a splattering noise made by protruding the tongue from between closed lips and blowing, used as an insult; Bronx cheer. [1/4 definitions]
slap an insult, rebuke, or injurious comment. [1/8 definitions]
snub an act or instance of ignoring someone; insult. [1/2 definitions]
supersensitive extremely or overly sensitive, as to criticism or insult. [1/2 definitions]
witticism a witty remark, joke, insult, or saying.